Sunday, July 31, 2011

GM Garrett Gee, What Makes Hung Fa Yi A Different -Built Vehicle in the Wing Chun World?

GM Garrett Gee, What Makes Hung Fa Yi A Different-Built Vehicle in the Wing Chun World?

by Wing Chun Masters on Saturday, May 14, 2011 at 5:03pm
Q: What makes Hung Fa Yi a different -built vehicle in the Wing Chun world?


GM Gee: Through the experience of Time, Space and Energy.  This concept makes
Hung Fa Yi a beacon of light in the Wing Chun world.

To understand one's body in relationship to his opponent's body in a
defined 'time and space' along with the 'energy' that is exchanged in that 
moment is the key.

In order for the body to really understand and own these concepts,
Hung Fa Yi's  'Tan-Bong-Fuk-Ying-Jong-Faat' utilizes this technology to divide reality 
into three modules of time frame;  'Centerline theory,' 'Box Theory' and 'Gate Theory.'
Elbow, forearm and wrist energy are expressed in the Hung Fa Yi five energies;
"Ying, Lau, Chong, Sat, Faat"  This is the science in Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun.

The concept of Time Space and Energy provides the avenue to implement strategy 
and to recognize opportunity.  Without the Hung Fa Yi principles and concepts there is 
only technique.

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    • Wing Chun Masters GM Garrett Gee is not connected to FaceBook, but if you have any questions for him, you can address them here. We will forward your inquiries, and post his response here.
      May 14 at 5:11pm ·  ·  2 people
    • Benny Meng When the Ving Tsun Museum introduce HFY to the public on a bigger scale 10 years ago, it was attacked. Now there are lots of loyal practioner of the HFY system and growing. Real art will stand the test of time under fire.
      May 14 at 6:05pm ·  ·  4 people
    • Benny Meng Now Black Flag WC is being attacked, real diamond will be everlasting.Two secret society wing chuns, HFY and HKB, diamonds of the WC world.
      May 14 at 6:12pm ·  ·  3 people
    • Tyease Deon Hampton-Brooks Sifu Benny Meng: What is the controversy on Black Flag? It was said that it was or has had a link with anti-Chinese Revolutions or something to that degree. I do not understand and need some clarification on it. I would also would like to know what Hung Fai Yi was attacked. It seems like a great brotherhood to the other Wing Chun family.
      May 14 at 6:17pm · 
    • Alex Magnos True warriors always will face evil powers and evil persons for the good of nature (universe). At the end, just will be standing and proud the true and good ones. HFY had its time to face evil, now is time for HKB to do so. But make no mistake, both will be standing victorious and proud for an everlasting time!
      May 14 at 6:23pm · 
    • Benny Meng ‎@ Tyease: The dark side of hunman emotion acting out is sad. The attacks on HKB now or HFY in the past are 100% make up by the coward attackers.
      May 14 at 6:24pm ·  ·  2 people
    • Tyease Deon Hampton-Brooks I guess I had to ask since there were just so many videos posted up in a quickness about it all. I do not like to live in ignorance on anything in this life. In the end, after all the knowledge is out, then it is up to me to decide for my own comfort.
      May 14 at 6:32pm · 
    • Kevin Foster You always have to base your decision on your own understanding and experience. This is the true path. No one elses reality can be your reality there is always a difference even if it is very small. This is wise of you. Politics only serve the interests of the politicians not the greater good of those they are supossed to serve.
      May 14 at 6:46pm ·  ·  6 people
    • Sifu Lin Xiang Fuk well said Kevin.
      May 14 at 7:34pm ·  ·  2 people
    • Greg Yau 
      GGM Garret Gee shared studio on Market Street in San Francisco with my Uncle Chris Chan of United States Wing Chun Kung Fu Academy. I taught Chi Gung. That was about 20 years ago.

      GGM Chan trained directly with Sifu Ip Man for 5 years. Th...See More
      May 14 at 7:39pm ·  ·  1 person
    • Greg Yau If GGM Gee is still teaching in Daly City, I am only minutes away.
      May 14 at 7:42pm · 
    • Jordan Maunula I had no idea that Black Flag Wing Chun was still being "attacked", unless of course you consider claims of authenticity being called into question. If thats the case, then many many many lineages of Wing Chun are being attacked everyday:)
      May 14 at 7:44pm · 
    • Greg Yau I am directly down from the Ip Man linerage from my teachers and I still get attacked because it is different. Even though it was taught by Sifu Ip Man to my teachers. Some of the movements are different in private lessons. I will demo and see if anyone notices.
      May 14 at 8:27pm ·  ·  1 person
    • Sifu Lin Xiang Fuk well said sifu greg. real gold is not scared from fire. when real tiger come, dog howls. :)
      May 14 at 8:30pm ·  ·  2 people
    • Greg Yau Sifi Lin,

      I would like to meet you one day and observe your skills. I've seen some of your demos and am impressed. Make friends and not enemies.
      May 14 at 8:36pm ·  ·  3 people
    • Greg Yau 
      In one demostration, I was matched up with a good friend and classmate. His fiancee was there and he quitely ask me not to kick his ass in front of her. I did not and he pushed me around. Everyone was surprised and rumors started about m...See More
      May 14 at 8:42pm ·  ·  1 person
    • Greg Yau One more thing. I actually believe the story from Black Flag and Red boat. However, I use the philosophy of the bean curd and the thug. So I train and teach that philosophy. It fits my nature. Violence hurts my soul. But if pushed in a corner, then it is one on one, life or death.
      May 14 at 8:46pm ·  ·  2 people
    • Sifu Lin Xiang Fuk sifu greg, i am also still learning and always to improve myself as well. when it comes to make friends, i am 100000% up to it. i am alergic toward creating enemy, talking about others or politics.
      May 14 at 8:49pm ·  ·  4 people
    • Greg Yau Our team would like to teach everything (to the right people) so that other martial arts can see the real power of Wing Chun. Body, mind, and spirit. Most western practioners are not taught the aspects of Wing Chun except for the fighting aspect. It is much deeper as written on your website.

      One day when everyone opens up and see the entire system, they will respect it more or stay away. There is so much more.
      May 14 at 8:53pm ·  ·  2 people
    • Benny Meng Sifu Yau, we will have a great visit in SF together with Suhu Lin.
      May 14 at 9:11pm ·  ·  2 people
    • Greg Yau I've been in SF since 1964. Been a tour guide for many visitors. Know lots of good Chinese resturants and good prices too.
      May 14 at 9:58pm ·  ·  3 people
    • Marcelo Alexandrino Sifu Yau, yes, GM Garrett Gee is still teaching in Daly City. If you have a chance to meet him, please send him my best regards.
      May 14 at 10:08pm · 
    • Marcelo Alexandrino I was Sifu Meng's first HFY student in Brazil and also took some lessons from GM Gee, both in SF and Rio de Janeiro. Sifu Meng changed my way to face Martial Arts in general; Sifu Gee changed my way to face Wing Chun and Kung Fu specifically. Although I haven't met Sifu Meng since 2007 and haven't been enrolled in any Wing Chun program since that same year, I respect and hold those men in high steem.
      May 14 at 10:24pm · 
    • Greg Yau That is great. But you still are following WC still.
      May 14 at 10:33pm · 
    • Marcelo Alexandrino As a matter of fact, I've got a HFY Wing Chun Sidai who is my Sihing in Choy Lee Fut (there's something in CLF that attracts me the most). We have hands on meetings from time to time, but I'm not attending any regular WC classes since 2007. All the best!
      May 15 at 3:25pm · 
    • Greg Yau Hey CLF is great. Both my uncles taught a bit of CLF. We used to practice the Golden Bell. It is very difficult to stop the hand of CLF. Must use footwork.
      May 15 at 6:38pm ·  ·  2 people
    • Marcelo Alexandrino 
      Ah, my Sihing is a Bak Siu Lam and Golden Bell expert. He has learned it from GM Chan Kwok Wai of Tam Sam - Ku Yu Cheng - Yim Sheung Mo lineage. My CLF Sifu, the late Marcelo Teixeira (Ma Hei Kao), had also learned Buk Sing and Hung Sing CL...See More
      May 15 at 7:57pm ·  ·  1 person

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