Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Theft of “ Time Space & Energy” by Bruce Jackson

The Theft of “ Time Space & Energy”

Stealing “Time, Space & Energy” is not about past Hung Fa Yi members
marketing this HFY Wing Chun concept with others. It is not about
martial arts entrepreneurs using familiar phrases to develop
reputations in the kung fu world. The complexities of this concept can
not be learned from a dvd or magazine. Time does not allow for
speculation in battle. The knowledge passed from Grand Master Garrett
Gee explains the intricate nature of “Time, Space & Energy”. With
technique training, one only sees techniques; they are taught to
counter one technique with another. System training adds dimension and
color to what would have been a black and white picture. To apply the
“System Approach” one must understand the concept in its entirety. To
steal “Time, Space or Energy” from an opponent is only one aspect of
this concept. Before attempting to take what belongs to someone else,
you must first recognize your own existence. “To know yourself is to
know your opponent”. This training shows how to recognize when, where
and with whom distortion exists. Self-awareness will develop through
the HFY progressive training format with proper guidance provided by
GM Gee.

All wing chun lineages that I know of practice “chi sao,” but their
motives differ. Most wing chun practitioners recognize chi sao for
sensitivity training and a friendly way to spar. HFY Wing Chun has
three chi sao formats. HFY Tan Bong Fuk Chi Sao, HFY Kiu Sao Chi Sao
and HFY Chi Kiu Chi Sao. These chi sao formats can be defined by the
“HFY Time, Space and Energy” concept. These HFY principles allow the
practitioner to recognize the appropriate time frame to apply the
strategy of chi sao. The HFY system does not consider chi sao as a
simple exercise, but rather a conceptual aspect of battle. HFY trains
with Sam Mo Kiu philosophy relative to the HFY “Time, Space & Energy”
concept. The ying level will establish the structured energy within
individual techniques. HFY Sup Ming Dim references outline the maximum
affect of tan bong fuk influence to develop an awareness of
distortion. The energy level, requires an understanding of the “HFY 5
Energies” concept. Each form of energy is unique, therefore HFY
applies a principled approach to adapt. As harmony is the goal,
distortion is the reality. The 3rd progression introduces a variety of
time, space and energy distortions. The strategies to regain control
can be applied effectively with the proficiency attained in the
previous levels of progression. Chi sao as a strategy allows the
practitioner a variety of applications.

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