Hung Fa Yi Official Rankings
- Allen Kong, 9th Generation HFY Disciple (San Francisco)
- William Elliopulos, 9th Generation HFY Disciple (San Francisco)
Grandmaster Gee offers many training programs designed to suit the need of the individual. GM Gee is available to teach and hold seminars nationally and internationally.
Any individuals can join a Hung Fa Kwoon or Hung Fa Yi club at anytime. Once a member, the individual will be taught, according to their level, the Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun curriculum.
The Hung Fa Yi curriculum allows for each student to progress at their own pace and is never rushed. We feel that each seed will bloom when the season is right. It is our hope that the student will be capable of learning and progressing on to the next level after six months of dedicated practice and class participation. When a student is ready to move onto the next level they will take a test with the sifu who is in charge of their school. The information that the student is expected to know includes HFY history, HFY philosophy, knowledge of the specific form and applications the student is studying along with it�s relation to the HFY formula.
Level 1 - 3
Blue Sash - Sui Nim Tau Level
This is the first sash that a new student joining HFY would wear. The color blue symbolizes Taam Lou (Seeking the Way). Also, Laam Dang (Blue Lanterns) were hung as outside symbols of the Secret Societies gathering and training grounds. There are three different requirement levels under the blue sash.
Level 4 - 6
Green Sash - Chum Kiu Level
The second sash which is green is presented after successful completion of the first three HFY levels. The color green symbolizes the Gong Wu (Martial Arts World). The phrase Luk Lam Ho Han, used at this level, refers to two things. The first is the green forest described by the words Luk Lam. The Luk Lam is a poetic phrase to describe the martial arts world. Ho Han means righteous man, meaning you are known as being righteous. Once you enter the secret society, you also enter the martial arts world. This level also represents that you have some form of martial arts skill since you are at Chun Kiu. There are three different levels and requirements as this green sash level.
Level 7 - 9
Black Sash - Bui Ji Level
The third sash which is black is presented after successful completion of the first six HFY levels. The color black symbolizes the �Rising Sun�. Black is used to represent this because at the time in China that the Qing were in control and they considered these dark times. The symbol for Ming is the same as that for brightness. By saying that they are waiting on the sun to rise they mean that they want the Ming to be restored to power. From a martial arts point of view you are waiting to become a martial arts expert. There are three different requirement levels under the black sash.
Level 10 - 12
Red Sash - Wooden Dummy and Weapons Level
The color red symbolizes a Ying Hung (Hero). This means that you have made contributions to the martial arts. The bandana that the first Emperor of the Ming Dynasty wore when he won the last battle that put him into power was red. This is the highest level. There are three different requirement levels under the red sash.
Wooden Dummy
At this stage you are a hero and have earned your place as a high leader.
Doa - HFY Butterfly Swords
At this level you possess the warrior spirit. The fighters who possess this skill are called Seung Fa Hung Gwan (Double Flower Red Pole).
Gwan - HFY Pole
The pole is used as a combat weapon.At this level you've done everything you can and can go back to Shaolin to carry on the Shaolin spirit. A spear goes through the gate but enters as a pole. This is because due to Buddhist influence, no spears are allowed within the temple.
Instructors Program
The Hung Fa Yi family is always looking for individuals who possess the skills and capacity to learn and be able to teach the Hung Fa Yi system to the public. Each Kwoon director can nominate individuals whom they feel meet the criteria and are subject to the approval of Grandmaster Gee. Individuals in the instructors program enjoy the added benefit of frequent private training classes held at the headquarters in San Francisco. If you are not affiliated with a Hung Fa Yi Kwoon and are interested in the instructors program please contact the headquarters by phone at (415) 596-5997 or by email at
Discipleship - (Master Club)
As the inheritor of the system, Grandmaster Garrett Gee is the only person in the Hung Fa Yi Wing Chun lineage to accept disciples. The family members who have been accepted into the family are either professional martial artists or individuals who deeply identify with the spiritual aspects of the system.
Hung Fa Yi disciples receive one-on-one instruction directly from Grandmaster Gee and are expected to be able to absorb information easily and at a pace that is accelerated.
After completion, the individual can represent Grandmaster Gee and the Hung Fa Yi wing chun lineage at a location the individual so chooses and agreed upon by Grandmaster Gee.